It's not all bad. Sometimes I can't believe that they're paying me to be here! Accommodations include a room overlooking the beautiful Narragansett Bay; every morning I get a personalized wake up call; I have a personal trainer who is really good at motivating me; I get three meals from a galley which has signs saying that it's award winning; and, I got to go on a $2k shopping spree, buying a whole new wardrobe. Overall, I can't remember a more memorable trip.
The first day started out slow, but the next morning the chiefs came in at 4am screaming and yelling. I did so many pushups and other exercises that I almost passed out. Since then, we generally have gotten up around 4:15. Nights usually end from 10pm (if I'm lucky) to 1am if I have a uniform inspection or something else the next morning. This last few days the chiefs have let us get up on our own, which is nice--but we still have to get up early.
We get punished for not following instructions, which is daily. My prior military experience has been very useful, but it's like learning a second language: I have to translate everything from my native tongue of Army into Navy.
Yesterday, my chief, anticipating my conflict of wanting to proclaim peace while a military officer, stated: "You don't kill people; you fix people. But the people you fix are going to go out and kill the enemy, and you've got to realize that." Reading it simplistically, he's right. But where does ministry stop and complicity start?
Hear the word of the Lord:
Matthew 10:28
Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
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